How to Amp Up Your LinkedIn Presence in 2013

30 Day Linking BlitzI meet so many business owners and executives who, when LinkedIn is mentioned, say something like “Yes, I must do something about LinkedIn one day”.

If that’s you, here’s your chance.

And it won’t cost you a red cent. Just some time: as in, about 20 minutes a day, six days a week, over a 30 day period.

It’s the 30 Day Linking Blitz.

The 30 Day Linking Blitz is a collaborative project, where participants commit to a daily program to amplify their presence, reach and engagement on and via LinkedIn.

A group of us have just finished one of these and participants have found it very useful for their business and career development.

It all came about like this:

  • I was thinking I needed to make a focused effort on building my LinkedIn presence and engagement and decided to make a commitment to myself to focus on that, as a priority, for 30 days
  • Then I thought it would be good to have some others to do the 30 days with me, if I could find a few interested people – I thought maybe 10, then as it started to catch a few people’s attention, maybe 20
  • I set up a LinkedIn Group – 30 Day Linking Blitz – and, in response to the growing community’s concerns for the group to not get too big, stopped taking new participants at 240.

And now, due to popular demand, as the showbiz people say, the 30 Day Blitz will be back in the New Year, probably starting at the end of January.

It’s very much a self-starting project, but with some group support and encouragement.

And if you sign up for the second one you will get the benefit of things we’ve learned with the first.

If that interests or intrigues you, you can find out more, and register to be kept posted on developments, at this link.







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About Des Walsh

I show business owners and other professionals how to navigate the social media maze and use LinkedIn effectively. I'm an author, speaker, business coach, social media strategist and LinkedIn specialist. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Google Plus and Twitter. And to stay in the loop, get my weekly Social Business Bites.