Comments on: Being Busy is OK, but it’s not an Excuse for Discourtesy Loving the freedom of working from home Fri, 17 Apr 2015 18:47:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jackie Christiansen Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:18:00 +0000 Great article Des! Yes, the soft “no” or list of excuses is a form of avoidence. It’s sometimes out of politeness, and other times the desire to avoid conflict. Someties the “take away” is the best way to deal with these people. Just like with child psychology, people like this often respond when you say “this might not be for you” – beacuse they want to control whether they’re in or not – not have you decide. They might come back with “well I might be interested”.

I will often use the “take away” in situations like this, and if it doesn’t work, they weren’t going to do anything anyway – nothing lost. See these excuses for what they are – avoiding having to make a decision. Then help them realize they will be making a decision, and it might be better to understand what they could be passing up.

All the best ot your success,

