Why I Love it – Sort of – When People Unsubscribe from My Updates

I can’t say I’m happy at first. I’ll be honest. When I see that a bunch of people have unsubscribed just after I sent out a fresh newsletter update, I don’t exactly jump for joy. In fact, my initial reaction is probably like seeing someone suddenly, without explanation, leave the party you had put on […]

New Business Service for a New Year

Everything Old is New Again As the New Year gets underway, here at our Webarts company we are getting into serious rollout time for a couple of new business services. One of those, which we have been developing over the past couple of months, is Webarts Online Marketing. Webarts Online Marketing is basically about helping […]

How a Chocolate Bouquet Made My Night

A very tasty lesson in how to be remarkable Last night, as a panelist at the Networx Marketing Meeting in Brisbane, Australia, I received a delightful – and tasty – gift. At the end of the discussion session each of the panelists was presented with a bouquet. When I saw the bouquets being brought up […]

New Happy Management

How many times in your life have you seen a sign saying “”Under New Management”? And what are those signs supposed to convey? Things will be better? In what way, better prices, better service? But they don’t say that, do they? So when you think about it wouldn’t you say we’re really none the wiser? […]

Sunday Markets: a Strawberry Experience

This sign at the local Sunday market, for strawberries, is even simpler than the honey sign the other week. The appeal is direct and the message instantly absorbable: even without words you know it’s a strawberry stand; the words and numbers tell you it’s half a kilo for $5, which is very good value compared […]