Turbo-charge your LinkedIn presence and influence with the 14 day Linking Edge Intensive OK, so you are on LinkedIn. But are you taking advantage of the power of LinkedIn to help you grow your business? Most people I speak to about this tell me without hesitation that although they have a LinkedIn account, they are […]
Are You Using LinkedIn’s Power to Help Grow Your Business?
How to Amp Up Your LinkedIn Presence in 2013

I meet so many business owners and executives who, when LinkedIn is mentioned, say something like “Yes, I must do something about LinkedIn one day”. If that’s you, here’s your chance. And it won’t cost you a red cent. Just some time: as in, about 20 minutes a day, six days a week, over a […]
Google Plus the Very Busy Ghost Town

A jibe often directed at the social networking service Google Plus (Google+) is that it’s a virtual ghost town. When I read that and other dismissive blog posts or stray comments I wonder whether the people making those observations have actually put any time in to using Google+. Be that as it may, we now […]
For Social Media Success We Need to Fish Where the Fish Are

Likes and Dislikes No matter how often it happens, it’s always a great reality check for me. I’m talking about the situation where I’m in the midst of explaining to a business person how they could benefit from using a specific social platform, for example Twitter, or LinkedIn or Facebook, or some other platform, […]
10 Objectives for a Social Media Strategy

“Where should I go?” asked Alice.”That depends on where you want to end up,” the Cheshire Cat replied. Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass What your company does with social media should be guided by clear objectives In conversations about social media with business owners over the past few years I’ve […]