In this post I expand on the third tip in my series 5 Tips for Starting a Home Based Business: Build New Networks In that initial, overview post I wrote about building new networks: As my handwritten scrawl shows, the first version of this was “Build your networks”. The trouble is, while the networks we […]
Build New Networks: 5 Tips for Starting a Home Based Business
I Blame Facebook for Debasing the Language of Friendship and Practice of Networking

We need to talk about Friends, Fans, “Likers”, Connectors and Followers: “friends” online can be different from the traditional, offline concept
Notifying Facebook Friends About My New Page
I’ve been having an interesting time – for “interesting” read “time-consuming and frustrating but I hope it’s worth it” – working out how to communicate a particular message to friends on Facebook. For experienced Facebook users what I’ve learned the hard way will probably seem terribly obvious, but someone might find some value in my […]
Getting Serious About Facebook
I’m currently re-jigging my business presence on Facebook and finding myself on a new learning curve about the platform and how it works. I don’t mind going through that learning process, because I believe that understanding how Facebook works and being able to manage how we use that for our brands and how it can […]
Is it Adieu Blog Business Summit, or Just Au Revoir?
A few days ago I wrote not one, but two posts about the Blog Business Summit scheduled for Chicago in September. One post was on this blog and the other was on the Business and Blogging site. So, rightly or wrongly, I felt a bit of a goose today when I got the email today […]